Pixie Dee

Sep 21, 20226 min

Why is it so important to feel amazing about ourselves?

Updated: Mar 17

Even when you feel like crap, overwhelmed by self-doubt, you feel like you have no confidence... you can still feel amazing in being YOU!

Why is it so important to feel amazing about ourselves regardless of what is happening in our lives?

Having clear and glowing skin is about looking good but it's far more then just skin deep. In my time of doing this work and defiantly speaking from personal experience having lived my own skin recovery journey I have come to understand that our skin is defiantly not just about looking good.

Your skin is a representation of WHO you are being, a series of moments and choices. It's about the actions we are taking or not taking, it's about how we truly feel about ourselves on the inside.

Our skin is emotional, it's mental, it's spiritual, it's all the things coming to the surface that we are not yet seeing, or not yet knowing how to move through to get to the other side to create harmony in the chaos of our past.

Life and your skin seem to be separate but I don’t see them as separate. How we are living our lives as a whole person is how our skin is being affected by who we are and even more so WHO we are BECOMING.

This is the key.... you CAN change and elevate everything in your life including your skin when you decide to change who you are becoming and fully commit to it. Give your heart completely to an identity that will make the changes that need to be made and start living your magnificence through this higher version of YOU.

The pains you feel around your skin are very much what we all feel in life.... there is deep sadness, frustrations, fears, low confidence, procrastination, stagnation, low energy and potentially burn out.

But you DON'T have to be feeling like this anymore.... I work with you to get you from feeling stuck with nothing changing in your life/skin to feeling fully expressed and supported on your journey to heal and expand. Guiding you along your journey you will recieve the knowledge, tools and support to heal your skin and you'll discover your thirst to want to get your life back on track and surging in a purposeful direction that sings to your heart. Whilst we focus on healing your skin we set up the environment for you to be able to step into your heart centered energy to seek out what it is you really DO want in your life.

Once the foundational structure has been set up properly, through your feminine energy in ease and grace we can create a laser like focus to elevate your entire being to laser in on stepping into a new identity. By using our feminine energy we can gracefully maintain and support ourselves to keep growing and enjoying the journey whilst we still get stuff done and achieve our successes. Burn out and overwhelm can be a thing of the past.

This is not an expense this is an experience, this can be a whole new life experience that will change you forever.

When you commit and become focused and hungry for the change you desire and do the inner work everything will shift for you.

Once you start to see the results in your skin, health and in your confidence you will become addicted and this is the moment that makes everything worth it. Your shoulders start to feel strong and you will stand taller. You will start to feel safer in the world to communicate who you are and what you stand for.

People generally come to see me when they have no where else to go... they are at breaking point.

I notice many are actually seeking validation to do the things they were born to do. I see so many patterns in many of my clients that have focused their whole lives on the external world trying to hustle and force things to happen only to be broken down after so much energy, time and money were invested into things that only gave them a short relief or short satisfaction whilst at the expense of their health, self-worth and happiness.

We discover how confident and capable we are when we compound consistently being bold and showing up for ourselves EVERYDAY. Even on the days when we feel scared or filled with insecurity and self-doubt. We are not striving for perfection and huge drastic changes but rather small do-able consistent changes that will lead you to what and to WHO you need to become to recieve it.

If you value your time this is more a reason to jump all in. We all want more time to do the things we want to do in our lives to feel the experiences we want to feel.

I work with my clients on their self limiting beliefs that hold them hostage and keep them away from truly receiving what they value in life so they manage their time to suit the lifestyle they do want.

When we practice discipline and consistency it creates freedom for us to be able to take charge of our lives and to start creating more of what we do want rather then us just bouncing around through life bumping into things with no meaningful purpose, direction or vision. This is how we rebuild the trust within ourselves and I have seen it time and time again and I guarantee to you that you are not an exception to this rule.

I chat to potential clients who want help to get things moving but they are scared to jump all in, they are only dabbling, they only want to dip their toes in the water because they don’t trust they can do the work to achieve their dreams, they don’t feel it's possible for them, or they don’t believe in themselves to fully commit and see it through. If you want to really change you must be serious about wanting it.

Bring your transparency, show up, fully commit to yourself and say “I am ready to do this, I am fully here to do the inner work. I may not know the 'how' but i sure know my 'why'" because that’s all it takes.

It's all about being and becoming that person that is congruent to having their dreams by knowing the values of the person that creates such visions and stepping into that archetype.

We have been taught to hustle and work really hard to the point of burn out and fatigue. There is a much more pleasurable and empowering universal law that will help you collapse the time space on where you are now to where you want to be

“invention is the most important product of a mans creative brain. The ultimate purpose is that complete mastery of mind over the material world, the harnessing of human nature to human needs”.
Nikola Tesla

When we feel amazing about ourselves in our own skin the world breathes it, the world feels it and reflects it back to us. It becomes one beautiful loving circular thread which pours more energy into our souls to create more of what we want.

Who you are today and who you are becoming is the determining factor of your success in life and the success in healing your skin.

Take a moment right now to slow everything down and just breathe. I invite you to ask yourself how you view your future you?

Are you crystal clear and confident on where it is you are going? does your future you feel purposeful in your interactions and choices? and do you feel good and loving about yourself?

It's important to feel good about yourself even when you feel it's hard to because your emotions, thoughts, and behaviours are what are driving you to either grow or fall.

If we want true change we must embody the change and master ourselves first!

The choice is always yours. "We do not plateau we are only ever climbing or sliding" Tony Robbins.

Fully commit to yourself today and be amazed at how wonderully unrecognisable your life looks and feels in the future.

A good mentor keeps you accountable to your vision, this is priceless!
