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No More BS - The Real Self-Love

Raw conversation about the excuses we tell ourselves & how to move beyond the limitations

Wow, what a week I have had here at TPSH, so many beautiful women jumping in deep and thriving in their magnificence. It is always exciting for me to see people growing and see their breakthroughs happening in real time.

In this weeks blog we are discussing the BS stories we tell ourselves that keep us stuck and playing small.

Here is something that I am currently going through.

With every exposure and new soul client I meet, I am constantly expanding myself and my skills through opening my heart more each time and stretching myself out of my comfort zone. This is not easy for me and never has been. I find myself wanting to shy away from amazing offers or big opportunities that ask me to get really uncomfortable. No matter how uncomfortable I feel I know that if I break it down to bite size chewable tasks. I can soon feel amazing on the other side knowing I just learnt something new that was really difficult for me to do facing my fear and allowing it in without it ruining my chance for further greatness. I always feel bigger and more alive on the other side. But I still have those little thoughts that tell me to turn and run away because of all sorts of disastrous reasons I play out like a movie in my mind that could go wrong.

We all have dreams and goals, things we would love to have and feel in our lives. In my experience I have come to understand that since opening my business (TPSH), every time I have a dream and a vision that sings to me, I almost always am met with fear, and doubt and that's just how it is.

With every new week, month and year I still feel the same self doubt and limiting beliefs but unlike my earlier years when I would see other successful people leading in their lives courageously, I thought it was just me and my thoughts. However, today I understand this is not just me, this is in each and every one of us and the ONLY difference between me and someone that was creating momentum was exactly that, they just did what they knew they had to do regardless of the inner self doubt or limiting beliefs. Some have it more than others but we all have it and have to face it.

I learnt to accept this fact and allow these feeling in even though they would absolutely cripple me with fear. I became ok with feeling a certain level of discomfort in my life so that I could keep expanding and growing myself, that I could continue to create my dreams and goals. I always feel better when I'm expanding myself and my heart, I believe this is the human purpose to always grow and expand the heart.

Do you ever feel fear and discomfort and allow the voice in your head to talk you out of doing something you know is of value to you? You may be in a place where you feel stuck like you can't move, maybe its fear that has you frozen solid. That is totally ok and I can very much relate to your pain.

If you are in purpose mode and want to keep moving the needle, this is for you. Or maybe you are starting from scratch with your dreams and don't know how to get out of your funk, chances are you need to get up and move in order to feel better as you may need to balance out your Yin to your Yan (masculine and feminine energies/ assertiveness and passiveness) to start moving.

No matter where you are starting from or where you are going, this is an absolute MUST conversation for you. Lets have a Real and Raw conversation about some of the BS that keeps us away from getting or being that which we want to have and feel in our lives.

Joe Dispenza - You cannot see the way out of a challenge if you are looking at it every day from the same level of mind, emotions, thoughts and feelings of the past.

I AM NOT READY BS- how often have you told yourself this? How many times do you end your further exploration because you think you haven't yet acquired enough knowledge or your skills need to be the best before you can start, or maybe you don't trust your ability to step into your next version of yourself?

Ever wondered why you do this?

How is this working out for you when you follow this story?

Are you any closer to your dream or are you slowly slipping further away?

Make a score from 1- 3, how often you say this to yourself or others

(1. Never 2. More than half the time 3.Always)

this screams you don't trust yourself. You have to move first, don't wait for self trust and self confidence first. You must take the first step/s and then self trust will follow, it begins by moving toward that which you fear and then being on the other side realising "oh sh!t, I did that and I can do it again".

If you don't act first then you will always be waiting,

because the truth is

... you are ready, NOW!


I CAN NOT COMMIT BS- Do you ever feel like you start things but never finish them? Do you wonder why that is and why it feels so hard to stay on course?

Ever wondered why you do this?

How is this working out for you when you follow this story?

Are you any closer to your dream or are you slowly slipping further away?

Make a score from 1- 3, how often you say this to yourself or others

(1. Never 2. More than half the time 3.Always)

If you want to create anything, a career, a strong relationship, healthy skin, a healthy body....anything! You must be thinking long term. Even your own happiness, you don't just do 1 or 2 things for a week or so and then think you will stay happy, same for your relationship it needs consistent love and care and same for your career, you don't just turn up for a few weeks and then stop. You will loose it all if you just stop. If you look at your life and wonder why your not getting your results you either are not committed enough and thinking long term or you may need to change your strategy.

You must commit yourself to your dreams long term. If you are not happy where you are in your life or health right now you MUST commit to yourself long term and what it is you want in life.


I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH RESOURCES BS- This is another story we tell ourselves in a world of plenty especially in western cultures. There are countless people that are illiterate, starting poor, came from the worst situations that most can't even dream of and yet they create a new life.

Ever wondered why you do this?

How is this working out for you when you follow this story?

Are you any closer to your dream or are you slowly slipping further away?

Make a score from 1- 3, how often you say this to yourself or others

(1. Never 2. More than half the time 3.Always)

Humans are very resilient and resource-full, and this is the key! No human is born will a destiny of only failure, we all can change our lives through thinking resourcefully by learning how to become resourceful. Yes, your neighbour may have lots more money then you and yes your primary school bully probably grew up with a silver spoon and now is the CEO for apple having all their education paid for my their parents, but that does not exempt you from finding your magnificence and creating the movement you want to see in the world.

You must understand that true resilience lays within every humans potential.

Everyone has something to teach the world. Make your hardships and your life challenges your passion and teach that to the world because you will understand your hardships better then anyone since you have lives through them. You CAN do anything you set your mind to.


I DON'T HAVE TIME BS - If you are constantly saying you don't have time you need to start thinking of some productive ways to manage your time.

Ever wondered why you do this?

How is this working out for you when you follow this story?

Are you any closer to your dream or are you slowly slipping further away?

Make a score from 1- 3, how often you say this to yourself or others

(1. Never 2. More than half the time 3.Always)

Learn to delegate - its not always the wisest idea to do it all yourself, your business, home life, relationships, dreams all suffer when you reach burn out.

  • Invest in someone to help you in your tasks

  • Ask friends / family to help out around the house to make more room for those more important tasks you need to do

  • Learn to prioritise your tasks, only doing the most important first

  • Plan out your schedule (day, week, month)

We all have the same amount of time in a day, those that get a lot done in their day usually plan their entire day/ weeks out.

Or maybe you are someone that procrastinates a lot and says they don't have time because they spend their hours in front of the TV or on social media. In this case you need to get really clear on what it is you REALLY want and find a mentor to help you get out of your slumber.


What was your total BS score?

If you counted less than (5): You scored the 'ROCK STAR Queen'.

You are a rock star queen rocking it out on her own stage. Either what you are doing is working for you or you are staying too comfortable. Usually those that score this number are in a high flying stage in their life. There is always room for improvement, and as a rock star queen a performer is always trying to improve their last performance, so great work keep going.

If you counted between (6 - 8): You scored the 'CINDERELLA Queen'.

You are a worker and your efforts feel like they are not getting you far. You can start by enhancing your awareness to knowing when you make these excuses and either change your approach or your procedure to help you move into your next phase so you can keep growing and achieving your goals. You must move out of your comfort and stand up for what you believe in.

If you counted more than (9): You scored the 'SLEEPING BEAUTY'.

You are a sleeping giant who's potential is unrealised yet. You may be feeling stuck and lost in your direction and not sure how to move forward.

Book in a chat with me, a soul mentor will help you move forward to start making your breakthroughs a reality not just a sleeping dream. For your dreams to come true you must wake up and start moving.


The stories we tell ourselves steer our ship. If we say we can, then we CAN, if we say we can't, then we CAN'T.
Everything you say to your mind including the excuses, your mind instantly takes that answer and believes it. In turn, your mind stops looking for more questions and accepts your answers as the full truth.
Questions lead to ideas, if you ask a great question your mind will find a great answer resulting in a great idea and find a new way of thinking.
So, if your mind believes in the excuse and stops finding questions to ask, then you loose out on your potential!


Napoleon Hill - every man is what he is, because of the dominating thoughts which he permits to occupy his mind.

Instead commit to your vision 100% with a mentor. Invest in yourself, do not be scared to invest into educating yourself in something that is going to add value to your dreams and goals.

Life is an energy exchange and what you put in always come back.

A good mentor keeps you accountable to your vision, this is priceless!


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